Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Press Reviews

As part of the effort to promote the visibility of the portal, create the conditions for use of the results in the longer term and enhance the sustainability of the iMath project, partner institutions contacted online magazines and portals in the field of higher education in order to publish papers, web articles, news and activate exchange links. is a news portal that is available in Western Greece region. They presented an article for the project and its activities. is a news portal that is available across country in Greece. They presented an article for the project and its activities. is a weekly electronic newspaper that aims in informing all citizens for the news in the Greek region. It comes every Friday. They presented an article for the project and its activities.

Post on Linkedin

Alejandro Fuster López posted an article on Linkedin describing the iMath project and inviting teachers and students to join it.

Paper on the journal "Data in Brief "

An article entitled "Dataset of Mathematics Learning and Assessment of Higher Education Students Using the MathE Platform" has been published in the journal "Data in Brief Journal. The article, issued on 28 February 2024 presents the activities carried out in the framework of the iMath project.

Article on the journal "Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications"

An article entitled "Application of Pattern Recognition Techniques for MathE Questions Difficulty Level Definition" has been published in the journal "Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications. OL2A 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1981. Springer, Cham. . The article, issued on 1 February 2024 presents the activities carried out in the framework of the iMath project.

Paper on the journal "Dynamics of Information Systems"

An article entitled "A Collaborative Multi-objective Approach for Clustering Task Based on Distance Measures and Clustering Validity Indices" has been published in the journal "Dynamics of Information Systems. DIS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14321. Springer, Cham. . The article, issued on  28 December 2023 presents the activities carried out in the framework of the iMath project.

Paper on the journal "Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications"

An article entitled "Data Analysis Techniques Applied to the MathE Database" has been published in the journal "Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications. OL2A 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1754. Springer, Cham. . The article, issued on  01 January 2023 presents the activities carried out in the framework of the iMath project.

Paper on the journal "Learning and Intelligent Optimization"

An article entitled "Evaluating Student Behaviour on the MathE Platform – Clustering Algorithms Approaches" has been published in the journal "Learning and Intelligent Optimization. LION 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13621. Springer, Cham. . The article, issued on 05 February 2023 presents the activities carried out in the framework of the iMath project.

Paper on the journal "Computational Science and Its Applications"

An article entitled "Analyzing the MathE Platform Through Clustering Algorithms" has been published in the journal "Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2022 Workshops. ICCSA 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13378. Springer, Cham.. The article, issued on 04 August 2022 presents the activities carried out in the framework of the iMath project.

TAEE - School of Telecommunication Engineering of UMA

The XVI International Conference of Technology, Learning and Teaching of Electronics will be held at the School of Computer Engineering and the School of Telecommunication Engineering of UMA (University of Malaga), located in the beautiful city of Málaga. IMAth is presented within the conference and organizes to sessions/events. A link has been added twith the icon to the iMath website


VIE contributed to the project with exchange of experience and expertise during and after the project, part icipati on in the disseminat ion and promotion of the project information . The information about iMath can be found on VIE's website. lt is frequented by approximately 100 users per month, primarily comprising professionals from private and public companies specializing in education, HR, and safety. Please note that the iMath icon serves as a hyperlink directing users to the official iMath website

Student Activity Recommender System

This paper presents the aims and activities of the iMath project and, as one specific activity, the OptLearn algorithm. The algorithm provides student activity recommendations with the aim of maximising their learning outcomes at a given student’s time effort. It is based on automatic concept map generation BFS graph walk. 

MathE Project

The purpose of iMath portal is to develop a new AI-driven tool that will support higher education students with respect to mathematics subjects, providing them with a database of resources, hands-on activities and self-evaluation tests, brought together in an online dynamical platform that will help and advise them through a personalized learning path based on their previous performances. Therefore, iMath aims to add value, lowering the perception that mathematics is too hard to be understood and contributing to mitigate the dropping out of students due to perceived mathematics obstacles.

MathE project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the iMath project

GrEnFIn Project

The GrEnFIn project aims to train Professionals and Students to become Sustainable Energy Experts. In line with the key elements of the Innovation Union and the EU Higher Education Modernization Agenda, the GrEnFIn Erasmus+/Knowledge Alliance project aims to provide to the stakeholders (energy providers, private companies, research institutes,…) the figure of the Sustainable Energy experts professional, i.e. European high skilled professionals capable to face the changing challenges in the field of Green Finance, Climate and Business, Energy Transition.

GrEnFIn project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the iMath project

Cosy Project

The project identifies two main specific objectives:

  • Strengthen the collaboration among academic institutions provide them with a clearer picture of the range of opportunities between the universal and the particular Provide academic lecturers and managerial staff with knowledge, skills and tools for adapting their educational activities with a specific focus on sustainable development
  • Provide undergraduate students with competences on complex systems thinking as a basis for sustainability action and make them employable in organizations interested to meet the sustainable development goals.

Cosy project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the iMath project

VRSCiT Project

The consortium believes that this project will enable the target groups, to not only acquire and consolidate skills at the level of adult education, but also to improve their skills in European citizenship, inter-culturality, employment, and community development, emphasizing the promotion of learning, digital literacy, debate and sharing of scientific and technological knowledge.

VRSCiT project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the iMath project


The purposes of STEAM-Active project are:

  • Improve the capacity of the higher education educational offer in engineering of new learning and teaching methods
  • Tackle engineering student underachievement and gender inequality
  • Provide university lecturers with STEAM based methodological approaches and teaching tools; - Provide universities with consistent, re-usable and up-scalable teaching-Learning sequences based on the STEAM methods.


Simulation Center (SIMAV)

SIMAV is a structure aimed at managing services and promoting activities of general interest of the University in the field of promotion, organization and coordination of training and research events that use simulation techniques and technologies at the national and international level. The simulation methodologies used include: macrosimulation, microsimulation, virtual reality and relational simulation, namely standard patients in clinical and home simulated environments.

SIMAV provides direct link to the IMath portal. All website visitors from around the world may now learn about the IMath project.

Centre for the Third Age Education (CTAE)

The Centre for the Third Age Education is an international centre whose aims are the education and stimulation of mainly retired members of the community—those in their third 'age' of life. CTAE provides direct link to the IMath portal. All website visitors from around the world may now learn about the IMath project.

University of Maribor

Prof. Drago Bokal is a professor at University of Maribor teaching math and computer science department. They teach several fields of math. Estimated number of visits is 500 a year.

University of Tuzla

Prof. Aljo Mujčić is a professor at University of Tuzla focused on different Engineering fields. Math is an important subject and the number of visits if his LinkedIn page is several hundreds per year.

Irena Nančovska Šerbec

Prof. Irena Nančovska Šerbec is a professor at the Faculty of Education where most Slovenian math teachers are educated. The project is very interesting to them in this regard. Number of visits is estimated to be in the range of 1000 per year. 

IEEE Slovenia Section

IEEE Slovenia Section is a core Electrical Engineering association and has app. 250 members from industry and academia. Number of visits is estimated to 1000 per year.  

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport

FPP is a Transport and marine science faculty oriented to engineering studies. Engineering mathematics is relevant subject. The page has several thousand visits per year.

Research Institute Rudolfovo

Janez Povh is a director of the Research Institute Rudolfovo and his LinkedIn page links many researchers in Slovenia. The institute integrates university level teaching including optimisation.  His LinkedIn page links his academic and industrial activities with a close to 1000 visits per year. is a private organisation that aims in informing all students in the Greek Universities, public and private, of new developments and update in higher education in Greece. They presented an article for the project and its activities.  is the a local news website. The site has an extreme visibility in the region. They presented an article for the project and its activities.


ErtNews is the official national television website. The site has an extreme visibility in the whole country

UNESCO Chair in “Anthropology of Health. Biosphere and healing systems”

The UNESCO Chair in “Anthropology of Health. Biosphere and healing systems” is partner in the IMath project. UNESCO Chair is part of the UNITWIN (University Twinning and Networking)/ UNESCO Chairs program, which involves more than 850 institutions in 117 countries, promoting international cooperation and networking to enhance institutional capacity through knowledge sharing and collaborative work. UNESCO Chair website provides direct link to the IMath portal. All website visitors from around the world may now learn about the IMath project.

SDA Wroclaw

The Dante Alighieri Association was founded in 1889 with the mission of preserving and spreading the Italian culture throughout the world. With the help of more than 400 committees scattered across all continents, SDA establishes and supports schools and libraries, promotes conferences, artistic and musical events, and awards prizes and scholarships in more than 60 countries.

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

Ivo Nowak is partner in the iMath project. His website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users are mainly people linking through other sites looking for information about the person.

University of Malaga

The University of Malaga is a young, growing university which has made quality teaching, cutting-edge research and knowledge transfer its trademark. Privileged in its geographical location, the University of Malaga is renowned for its highly qualified teaching and research staff. It maintains
strong ties to the productive and academic sector of the region.
The website of the University of Malaga provides information about the iMath project together with a direct link to the Portal. Students, lecturers and all visitors of the university website may now learn about and benefit from the iMath project.


UoP is partner in the iMath project. UoP website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from Universities, Public bodies, Schools, participants in all educational process visit our website (estimated visits are around 9.000 users each year). They may now learn about and benefit from the imath project.

Ivo Nowak

Ivo Nowak is partner in the iMath project. His website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users are mainly people linking through other sites looking for information about the person.

Eligius MT Hendrix

Eligius MT Hendrix is partner in the iMath project. His website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users are mainly people linking through other sites looking for information about the person.


The research group Supercomputacion-Algoritmos handles a group of researchers interested in computational difficult problems Its website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users are mainly investigators and academic staff interested in the research achievements of the group.

University of Ljubljana - Lucami lab

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering is partner in the iMath project. Lucami lab as an active participant provides a direct link to the iMath project portal. Several lab members are teaching at the faculty involving their students to participate in the project. Lucami portal is integrated into Faculty of electrical Engineering portal. Portal users are students, research community and selected segments of industry.

CeDRI Facebook

CeDRI is a research center in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics. CeDRI Facebook site provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. There are more than 500 users that may now learn about and benefit from the iMath project.


IPB is the scientific coordinator of the iMath project. IPB website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. There are many users of IPB’s website that may now learn about and benefit from the iMath project.


CeDRI is a research Center partner in the iMath project. CeDRI website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. There are many users of IPB’s website that may now learn about and benefit from the iMath project.

University of Genoa

The University of Genoa is one of the largest universities in Italy and partner in the iMath project. On the web page of the institution is available a link to the project portal so that all users of the website, i.e., students, researchers, teachers, and staff of the university (around 37000 people overall) may now learn about and benefit from the iMath project.


Pixel is partner in the iMath project. Pixel website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from Universities, Associations, Public bodies, Training Agencies, Schools, participants in the International Conferences on Education and people interested in the seminars/masters visit Pixel website (estimated visits are around 12.000 users each year). They may now learn about and benefit from the imath project.