Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Contractual Partners

From this section it is possible to access to a description of each contractual partner of the iMath project. There are 7 partners and they are based in 6 different European countries.

Portugal Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
Campus de Santa Apolónia,
5300-253 Bragança – Portugal
Tel: +351 273 330 690
Web Site:

Partner Description
The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) is a higher education public institution with a defined mission in creating, transmitting and diffusing technical-scientific and professional knowledge through the articulation of study, teaching, applied research and experimental development. IPB belongs to the European Network for Universities of Applied Sciences (UASNET), which main objectives include the transferability of professional skills and the integration of applied research in their professional and technological education mission.

Germany Germany

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Hamburg, Germany
Web Site:

Partner Description
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HH) is an applied science university. Their central focus is the excellence of the teaching and the degree courses. Simultaneously, HAW Hamburg is continuing to develop its profile as a research university.

italy Greece

University of Peloponnese
Tripolis, Greece
Web Site:

Partner Description
The University of Peloponnese (Up) was established in 2000 and accepted its first students in 2002. UoP central premises is located in Tripolis while schools and departments operate in other 6 cities (Tripolis, Corinth, Nafplion, Sparti, Kalamata and Patra) throughout Peloponnese and Western Greece Region.

italy Italy

Florence, Italy
Web Site:

Partner Description
Pixel is an education and training institution based in Florence (Italy). Pixel was founded in 1999. Pixel’s mission is to promote an innovative approach to education, training and culture, this is done mostly by trying to exploit the best potential of ICT for education and training. Pixel has a permanent staff of 15 people and a network of about 100 external professionals and trainers that cooperate with them on specific activities.

italy Italy

University of Genova
Genova, Italy
Web Site:

Partner Description
The University of Genova (UNIGE) is one of the most ancient of the European large universities; with about 280 educational paths distributed in the headquarters in Genova and the learning centres of Imperia, Savona and La Spezia, it comes up to the community as a well-established reality throughout the region.

Spain Spain

University of Malaga
Malaga, Spain
Web Site:

Partner Description
The University of Malaga (UMA) is one of Spain's premiere institutions of higher education (world ranking 96) [2019]. Since its foundation back in 1972, UMA has rapidly expanded its international presence and prestige. UMA participates actively in international, national and regional as well as privately-funded programmes, all of them managed by the Office of International Affairs and Cooperation. UMA is member of +100 networks and associations.

Slovenia Slovenia

University of Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Web Site:

Partner Description
The University of Ljubljana (UL) is a public autonomous educational, scientific research and artistic institution of highereducation. It was established in 1919 upon the tradition of semi-university institutions from the 17th century.