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Optimization and Learning

This section provides higher education institutions, lecturers, researchers and students with an in-depth assessment of the current state of research, key questions and techniques on the application of artificial intelligence in education as well as highlighting and spreading innovative methodologies for teaching mathematics.

The Section contains


A Library of relevant scientific and academic publications, including books, web articles and scientific papers addressing the themes of Benchmarks, Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Optimization.


A set of selected, reviewed and commented on algorithms related to machine learning and optimization. This resource is accessible to students, lecturers, researchers, and professionals who wish to explore algorithms in optimization, machine learning, and data analysis.


A set of Benchmarks related to learning and optimization algorithms are available for free use and have the purpose to compare the performance of different algorithms. The available resources help in identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement of machine learning and optimization algorithms.

Learning Indicators

A set of selected and reviewed learning indicators to be used by lecturers to evaluate their student’s progress. These resources offer a comprehensive database of performance metrics to assess students' progress throughout their math learning journey. With these tools, lecturers can gain a better understanding of their students' needs and identify areas where students may have more or less difficulties.