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The iMath project was presented in a number of events in order to report about the activities carried out and the results achieved.

Found 6 documents

Date Place Title
26/06/2024 Málaga, Spain Artificial Intelligence in teaching support in: XVI TECHNOLOGIES APPLIED TO ELECTRONICS TEACHING CONFERENCE
20/05/2024 Patras, Greece Teaching Mathematics in a New Era
12/04/2024 Bragança, Portugal XII Encontro Nacional de Alunos de EMRC do Ensino Secundário
14/03/2024 Portorož and Maribor Events in Slovenia
06/02/2024 Department of computer science, bioengineering, robotics and systems engineering at UNIGE The IMath Project
29/09/2023 Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications