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Use Machine Learning based prediction models to evaluate the level of engagement of the student in the test

Machine Learning models can be used to evaluate the level of engagement of students during tests by analyzing their behavior and performance. For example, a model could track eye movement, keystrokes, and response time to assess the student's level of focus and involvement.
By leveraging machine learning algorithms, the model can identify patterns and indicators of engagement, such as consistent eye contact with the screen, prompt and accurate responses, and minimal distractions. These data points are then used to calculate an engagement score for each student.
Evaluating the level of engagement is crucial because it provides insights into the student's overall performance and comprehension. A highly engaged student is more likely to understand the material, retain information, and perform well on assessments. Conversely, a disengaged student may struggle with the content or face distractions, which can hinder their learning outcomes.
By using machine learning models to evaluate engagement, educators can identify students who may need additional support or intervention. For instance, if a student consistently exhibits low engagement scores, it may indicate the need for personalized attention, targeted interventions, or modifications to teaching methods to enhance their learning experience.
Moreover, evaluating engagement can help educational institutions monitor and improve the effectiveness of their teaching strategies. By analyzing the aggregated engagement data across multiple students and classrooms, educators can identify trends and patterns that inform instructional design, curriculum adjustments, and the implementation of more engaging educational materials.
In summary, using machine learning models to evaluate the level of student engagement in tests provides valuable insights for educators to identify struggling students, tailor instruction, and enhance the overall learning experience. It supports the goal of promoting active participation, comprehension, and academic success for every student.

The paper [1] proposes a new intelligent predictive system that predicts student engagement levels in online environments. The system uses three machine learning algorithms: Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, and Artificial Neural Network. The results of the study show that the Artificial Neural Network algorithm had the highest accuracy rate (85% ) for predicting student engagement levels. The system can then send feedback to students and alert instructors when a student's engagement level decreases. This information can then be used by instructors to identify and address student difficulties, which can help to improve student engagement.
The paper concludes by discussing the limitations of the study and the potential future applications of the system. The authors note that the study was conducted on a small sample size, and that further research is needed to validate the results with a larger dataset. However, the authors believe that the system has the potential to be a valuable tool for enhancing student engagement in online environments.
Here are some of the key takeaways from the paper:
• Student engagement is an important factor in student success in online environments.
• Machine learning algorithms can be used to predict student engagement levels.
• The Artificial Neural Network algorithm had the highest accuracy rate for predicting student engagement levels.
• A predictive system can be used to send feedback to students and alert instructors when a student's engagement level decreases.
• This information can be used by instructors to identify and address student difficulties, which can help to improve student engagement.

[1] Ayouni S, Hajjej F, Maddeh M, Al-Otaibi S (2021 ) A new ML-based approach to enhance student engagement in online environment. PLoS ONE 16(11 ): e0258788.

Author of the tip:
Giulia Cademartori
University of Genoa