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Use Machine Learning based prediction models to evaluate what topics are well/poorly acquired

Explainable machine learning (XAI ) can be used to evaluate what topics are well/poorly acquired by a student by providing insights into the student's learning process. XAI algorithms can be trained on student data, such as test scores, homework assignments, and class participation, to identify the factors that contribute to student success. These factors can then be used to generate explanations for why a student did well or poorly on a particular topic. This information can be used by teachers to provide targeted feedback to students, help them identify areas where they need additional help, and track their progress over time. XAI can also be used to develop personalized learning experiences for students, by tailoring the content and difficulty of assignments to their individual needs. This can help students to learn more effectively and efficiently, and to achieve their full potential. Here are some additional benefits of using XAI to evaluate student learning:
• It can help teachers to identify and address potential learning gaps early on.
• It can provide students with more specific and actionable feedback.
• It can help students to take more ownership of their learning.
• It can make the learning process more transparent and engaging for students.

In a study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Irvine, XAI was used to evaluate the learning of students in an introductory computer science course [1]. The researchers trained an XAI algorithm on student data, including test scores, homework assignments, and class participation. The algorithm was able to identify the factors that contributed to student success, such as the student's prior knowledge, their problem-solving skills, and their ability to learn from feedback.
The researchers then used the XAI algorithm to generate explanations for why individual students did well or poorly on particular topics. These explanations were provided to the students in a way that was easy to understand. The students were then able to use this information to identify areas where they needed additional help and to develop personalized learning plans.
The results of the study showed that the use of XAI led to significant improvements in student learning. The students who received XAI-generated explanations were more likely to identify their learning gaps and to take steps to address them. They also showed greater gains in their problem-solving skills and their ability to learn from feedback.
This study provides an example of how XAI can be used to improve student learning. By providing insights into the student's learning process, XAI can help teachers to identify potential learning gaps early on and to provide students with the support they need to succeed.

[1] Alamri, Rahaf, and Basma Alharbi. "Explainable student performance prediction models: a systematic review." IEEE Access 9 (2021 ): 33132-33143.

Author of the tip:
Giulia Cademartori
University of Genoa