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Sentiment analysis

Utilize sentiment analysis to analyze feedback and comments provided by students on course materials and instructors.

Utilizing sentiment analysis in the educational field involves applying natural language processing (NLP ) techniques to analyze the sentiments expressed in written feedback and comments provided by students on course materials and instructors. Sentiment analysis aims to determine the emotional tone behind a piece of text, classifying it as positive, negative, or neutral.

Here's how this tip could be implemented:

Collecting Feedback:
Gather feedback from students through surveys, online forums, or other platforms where students can express their opinions about course materials, teaching methods, and instructors.

Text Data Processing:
Process the collected feedback data and convert it into a format suitable for analysis. This may involve cleaning the text, removing irrelevant information, and organizing the data.

Applying Sentiment Analysis:
Use sentiment analysis algorithms to assess the emotional tone of each piece of feedback. These algorithms are trained to recognize words and phrases associated with positive, negative, or neutral sentiments.

Categorizing Feedback:
Categorize the feedback into positive, negative, or neutral sentiments based on the results of the sentiment analysis. This categorization helps identify areas of improvement and aspects that are well-received.

Generating Insights:
Analyze the overall sentiment trends to gain insights into the students' perceptions. Identify common themes or issues raised by students, and understand which aspects of the course or instructor are positively impacting the learning experience and which areas may need attention.

Feedback Loop and Improvement:
Use the insights gained to make informed decisions and improvements in the educational process. This could involve adjusting teaching methods, refining course materials, or providing additional support in areas that received negative feedback.

Scenario: Online Programming Course

Collecting Feedback:

After completing a module on a programming course, students are asked to provide feedback on their learning experience. They can submit comments through an online survey or discussion forum.

Text Data Processing:
The collected comments are processed, and irrelevant information (such as usernames or greetings ) is removed. The data is organized for analysis.

Applying Sentiment Analysis:
Sentiment analysis algorithms analyze each comment to determine its sentiment. For instance:
"The examples were clear and easy to follow." → Positive
"I struggled to understand the concepts." → Negative
"The instructor was engaging and helpful." → Positive

Categorizing Feedback:
Comments are categorized into positive, negative, or neutral sentiments based on the sentiment analysis results.

Generating Insights:
The analysis reveals that a significant number of students found the examples helpful (positive sentiment ). However, there is a recurring theme of struggling with certain concepts (negative sentiment ).

Feedback Loop and Improvement:
Armed with this information, the course instructor can:
Provide additional resources or explanations for the challenging concepts.
Adjust the teaching approach to address common difficulties.
Consider incorporating more interactive elements that align with positive feedback.

1. Dalipi F, Zdravkova K, Ahlgren F. Sentiment Analysis of Students' Feedback in MOOCs: A Systematic Literature Review. Front Artif Intell. 2021 Sep 9;4:728708. doi: 10.3389/frai.2021.728708. PMID: 34568815; PMCID: PMC8459797.
2. Fargues M, Kadry S, Lawal IA, Yassine S, Rauf HT. Automated Analysis of Open-Ended Students’ Feedback Using Sentiment, Emotion, and Cognition Classifications. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(4 ):2061.
3. O. U. Obeleagu, Y. A. Abass and S. Adeshina, "Sentiment Analysis In Student Learning Experience," 2019 15th International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Computation (ICECCO ), Abuja, Nigeria, 2019, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICECCO48375.2019.9043293.

Author of the tip:
Spiros Sirmakessis
University of Peloponnese