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Use data analysis in gamification to promote the student success

Gamification inspires student motivation by offering both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, utilizing game elements like points, badges, and levels. Providing immediate feedback and the chance for mastery serves as additional incentives, encouraging students to actively engage and excel in their educational pursuits [1].
By integrating data analysis into gamified educational platforms, educators can create a dynamic and tailored learning experience that motivates students and addresses their unique learning needs, ultimately contributing to increased student success.

Duolingo, one of the world's largest language learning platforms in the world [2], employs these techniques to personalize the user experience and achieve more satisfactory results. Through gamification and adaptive learning, this platform makes the process of learning a new easier language, addressing individual difficulties, and customizing the level of challenge for each user.

[1] Centrical Platform. Gamification for Learning: 7 Strategies to Enhance Student Motivation & Achievement.
[2] Portnoff, L., Gustafson, E., Rollinson, J. & Bicknell, K. Methods for Language Learning Assessment at Scale: Duolingo Case Study. International Conference On Educational Data Mining. (2021 ),

Author of the tip:
Florbela P. Fernandes
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança