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The application of our concept map generator

The proposed concept map (a part of Partner UL's OptLearn algorithm ) can also be useful for other purposes, such as providing additional aspects of a given course that arise from the course content (questions that are part of the course description ). The visualization of the concept map can be very useful.

Take the course description (questions ), run the concept map generator, and use its visualization. The generated concepts and the links between them can give an interesting insight into the students' view of the course.

[1] F. Krieglstein, S. Schneider, M. Beege, and G. D. Rey, “How the design and complexity of concept maps influence cognitive learning processes,” Educational Technology Research and Development, vol. 70(1 ), pp. 99–118, Feb 2022.

[2] A. Košir et. al. OptLEarn algorithm technical report, 2023.

Author of the tip:
Andrej Košir
University of Ljubljana