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Automatic generation of concept maps from students' answers (2)

Recommendations of student activities (in our case questions ) can be generated as a complete sequence of actions as a single recommendation element. Several methods have already been developed, also based on deep learning approaches (e.g. LSTM ), but they all rely on a large amount of data with metadata. Our iMath dataset does not currently meet the minimum requirements, but maybe we will get there.

Parse our course questions and student responses to them (how they answered questions ). Construct concept map as advised by Zhou.

[1] Y. Zhou, C. Huang, Q. Hu, J. Zhu, and Y. Tang, “Personalized learning full-path recommendation model based on LSTM neural networks,” Information Sciences, vol. 444, pp. 135–152, May 2018.

Author of the tip:
Andrej Košir
University of Ljubljana