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Concept Mapping in Mathematics: Research into Practice

Users: 1 - Average Rating: 3.00

Comprehensive book on concept mapping in mathematics, it provides a collection of articles written by leading experts in the field. Besides a brief historical overview from the 1972 inventors and some future directions by editor Karoline herself, three collections on articles grouped by level (primary, secondary and university math education) present primary case studies on measurements, positional systems and fractions, along with the use of a computer tool to collaboratively construct concept maps. Then proportionality, derivatives, logarithms, math models and basic algebra are chosen as secondary case studies, with some additional paper on teacher's background about maths not being mechanical procedures. Finally, graduate level math education are covered by advanced math topics on four papers (one of them specific from engineering, three of them by Karoline so mainly an unipersonal perspective) with the main focus on showing the active role of the learner on modifying, adapting or completely redesigning a given concept map, with a case study on differential equations.


Machine Learning

Target Group:


Cite as:
K. Afamasaga-Fuata'i (ed., 2009), Concept Mapping in Mathematics: Research into Practice. Springer-Verlag, ISBN 9780387891941.

Author of the review:
Pablo Guerrero-Garcia
University of Malaga


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Joana Lopes

I am a beginner in the subject of Machine Learning, this was too much for my level (it was classified «advanced», I know).