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The Effect of Mobile User Typology on Mobile Learning Adoption in Higher Education

The paper presents results of a survey on mobile learning adoption of university students from four conuntries. The paper explores the salient mobile user typology by applying latent class analysis to reported use of mobile phone features. The results indicate four mobile user types which are distributed differently over the campus-territory groups and to which age, sex, programme level and programme type of the students are significantly related. Four latent classes were identified: eclectic users, internet users, basic users and offline entertainment users. Furthermore, mobile user typology was found to be related to behavioural intention to adopt mobile learning.

Scientific Paper

Machine Learning

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Cite as:
Singh, L., & Thomas, T. D. (2020). The Effect of Mobile User Typology on Mobile Learning Adoption in Higher Education. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15(2), 86-104.

Author of the review:
Andrej Košir
University of Ljubljana


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