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Learning Indicators

Number of back link or back button or back paths selected

Users: 1 - Average Rating: 4.00

This indicator will measure the number of "back" actions selected during the browsing and learning process. By calculating this back wise steps, we can estimate student problems in understanding the presented curricula item.

Importance of the indicator for the students’ learning methodology:
Usually when someone selects to go back to a previous stage, it self evaluates his non depth knowledge of the subject taught or presented.

Zaharias, Panagiotis. (2009). Usability in the Context of e-Learning: A Framework Augmenting 'Traditional' Usability Constructs with Instructional Design and Motivation to Learn.. IJTHI. 5. 37-59.

Author of the review:
Spiros Sirmakessis
University of Peloponnese


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Eligius Hendrix

The idea to observe back actions of course depends on the nervousness of a learner. However, when following one particular student, we get a good idea of the "lack of" understanding.