Pima Indians Diabetes Database
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This dataset is originally from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. The objective of the dataset is to diagnostically predict whether or not a patient has diabetes, based on certain diagnostic measurements included in the dataset. Several constraints were placed on the selection of these instances from a larger database. In particular, all patients here are females at least 21 years old of Pima Indian heritage.
Scientific Area:
Machine Learning
MatLab, Python
Target Group:
Cite as:
Smith, J.W., Everhart, J.E., Dickson, W.C., Knowler, W.C. and Johannes, R.S. (1988) Using the ADAP Learning Algorithm to Forecast the Onset of Diabetes Mellitus. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical Care, Orlando, 7-11 November, 261-265.
Author of the review:
Inês Sena
Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI) - Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
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