iMath Project - Optlearn Algorithm (Instituto Politécnico de Bragança)
The algorithm proposed aims to make the learning experience adaptive and personalized, considering the individual characteristics and needs of the student and their trajectory on the MathE platform. Thence, the methodology developed encompasses clustering methods to categorize the questions by difficulty levels and graph theory methods to customize the path according to the student’s needs and abilities.
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Cite as:
Azevedo, B. F. and Leite, G. A and Pereira, A. I. and Pacheco, M. F. and Fernandes, F. and Gimenez, F. and Figueiredo, D. and Romanenko, S. and Silva, T. "iMath Project - Optlearn Algorithm (IPB)", 2024., available at January, 2024.
Author of the review:
Gabriel Leite
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