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Algorithm for quadratic binary problems with linear constraints

Scientific Area:
C++, MatLab


Target Group:


Cite as:
Gusmeroli, N., Hrga, T., Lužar, B., Povh, J., Siebenhofer, M., & Wiegele, A. (2022). BiqBin: a parallel branch-and-bound solver for binary quadratic problems with linear constraints. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), 48(2), 1-31.

Author of the review:
Janez Povh
University of Ljubljana


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Eligius Hendrix

Looks like a fresh paper on the topic of this specific mathematical optimization structure. My question is usually for which practical probelsm this structure can be used. Specifically, the quadratic assignement problem is a sub-class which has a lot of applications.