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Student attention estimation from Clickstream

Student attention as an indicator of their learning outcomes can be estimated from their clickstream, as has been shown in several domains. The student trace available in our iMath student data allows us to conduct an experiment to assess how well these indicators can be estimated from the currently available data. In addition, this would provide guidelines for what else should be tracked by the student interaction portal.

Use our student interaction data (a sequence of time stamps and actions ) student performed during answering question and related it to their learning outcomes.

[1] Y. Liu, “Predicting Student Performance Using Clickstream Data and Machine Learning”, Educ. Sci. 2023, 13(1 ), 17;

[2] D. A. Filva et. al, “Clickstream for learning analytics to assess students’ behavior with Scratch”, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 93, pp. 673-686, Nov 2018.

Author of the tip:
Andrej Košir
University of Ljubljana