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This section is meant to facilitate the sharing of information among partners as far as the dissemination events carried out are concerned. A description of the event, the number of people participating and the evaluation of the event are available for each dissemination event.

Partners' Institution:

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

Name of the person involved in the event:

Beatriz Flamia Azevedo

Date of the event:

11 May 2023 - 11 May 2023

Type of Dissemination event:

Transnational Meetings

Target group:


Number of people reached by event:


Held in:

Bragança (PORTUGAL)

Description of Dissemination Event:

A meeting between Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI) researchers and elements from 2 other centres.

Outcomes and Results:

The meeting served as a pivotal platform for disseminating information regarding the goals and anticipated outcomes of the project, having played a crucial role in raising awareness and fostering a shared understanding of the project's significance and a collective commitment to its success within the research community of IPB and other participating institutions.

Supporting Documents: