Partners' Institution:
Universidad de Màlaga
Name of the person involved in the event:
Alejandro Fuster
Date of the event:
10 June 2024 - 10 June 2024
Type of Dissemination event:
Article on website
Target group:
General Public
Number of people reached by event:
Held in:
Málaga (SPAIN)
Description of Dissemination Event:
paper publication: On conceptualisation and an overview of learning path recommender systems in e-learning.
Fuster López, Alejandro; Martínez-Cruz, JesúsAutoridad Universidad de Málaga; Guerrero-García, PabloAutoridad Universidad de Málaga; Hendrix, Eligius María TheodorusAutoridad Universidad de Málaga; Košir, Andrej; Nowak, Ivo; Oneto, Luca; Sirmakessis, Spiros; Pacheco, Maria Fátima; Fernandes, Florbela Pires; Pereira, Ana Isabel
The use of e-learning systems has a long tradition, where students can study online helped by a system. In this context, the use of recommender systems is relatively new. In our research project, we investigated various ways to create a recommender system. They all aim at facilitating the learning and understanding of a student. We present a common concept of the learning path and its learning indicators and embed 5 different recommenders in this context.
Fuster López, Alejandro; Martínez-Cruz, JesúsAutoridad Universidad de Málaga; Guerrero-García, PabloAutoridad Universidad de Málaga; Hendrix, Eligius María TheodorusAutoridad Universidad de Málaga; Košir, Andrej; Nowak, Ivo; Oneto, Luca; Sirmakessis, Spiros; Pacheco, Maria Fátima; Fernandes, Florbela Pires; Pereira, Ana Isabel
The use of e-learning systems has a long tradition, where students can study online helped by a system. In this context, the use of recommender systems is relatively new. In our research project, we investigated various ways to create a recommender system. They all aim at facilitating the learning and understanding of a student. We present a common concept of the learning path and its learning indicators and embed 5 different recommenders in this context.
Outcomes and Results:
Reachable visualisation of project results
Supporting Documents: