Partners' Institution:
University of Genoa
Name of the person involved in the event:
Luca Oneto
Date of the event:
24 May 2023
Type of Dissemination event:
Conference or Fair
Target group:
Number of people reached by event:
Held in:
Bruxelles (BELGIUM)
Description of Dissemination Event:
The event was the final conference of the DAYDREAMS project. DAYDREAMS overall goal is to move forward from the current state-of-art European railway transport management towards the integration and use of data and artificial/human trustworthy intelligence together with context-driven HMI for prescriptive Intelligent Asset Management Systems (IAMS).
Outcomes and Results:
The participants in the event, including universities and important companies in the railway sector, have been told about the project and its resources.
Supporting Documents: