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The role of social interaction on users motivation to exercise: A persuasive web framework to enhance the self-management of a healthy lifestyle

The paper presents a persuasive web application in the e-health and motivational domain, designed to exploit social networking sites and to cooperate with a mobile application. The application provides web browser access of some features previously available only through a mobile application and a direct and user-friendly integration of social network sites. Users can share their experience with the application through interaction with the Facebook social network. This generates a strong social influence effect, which inspires and motivates other users to improve their exercising activity. Experimental results demonstrate enhancement of users’ motivation to a more active lifestyle due to social interactions.

Scientific Paper

Machine Learning

Target Group:


Cite as:
Boratto, L.; Carta, S.; Fenu, G.; Manca, M.; Mulas, F. & Pilloni, P., The role of social interaction on users motivation to exercise: A persuasive web framework to enhance the self-management of a healthy lifestyle, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier BV, 2017, 36, 98-114, 10.1016/j.pmcj.2016.08.009

Author of the review:
Andrej Košir
University of Ljubljana


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